Security Product

As a cybersecurity service provider and a cybersecurity engineering services company, we are uniquely positioned to test your product as domain experts and provide value well beyond product testing.

As a cybersecurity service provider and a cybersecurity
engineering services company, we are uniquely positioned
to test your product as domain experts and provide value
well beyond product testing.

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Ebryx Gives You A Competitive Edge

Often engineering organizations can develop a cybersecurity product but struggle with implementing a rigorous testing cycle, due to a lack of relevant skills and domain knowledge. Our experience spans multiple subdomains within cybersecurity, including endpoint, network, web, mobile, cloud, and IoT security.

Endpoint Security
QA & Testing

Our Security QA and testing team has worked on a plethora of projects within the security product engineering domain including:
Endpoint Test Automation
Endpoint Detection Efficacy Testing
Endpoint Regression Testing
Endpoint Sustaining
Endpoint Security Content Analysis
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Network Security QA & Testing

Our Security QA and testing team has worked on a plethora of projects within the network security product engineering domain including:
Test Automation for Network Security Products
Signature Based Detection
Malware Analysis and Research

Endpoint Manual

Functional Testing is performed on:
Communication between appliance and endpoint agents
Detection scan reports and data acquisitions from end points
Integration of detection product with CMS and DTI
Bugs reporting and bug fix verification
User Interface testing
Regression Testing:
Functional and integration
testing of different builds of
the endpoint detection agent
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Endpoint Testing Automation

Developed framework for automated testing of endpoint malware detection agent and the management appliance
Endpoint Agent detects malware and infection using IOC based detection engine and heuristics based exploit detection engine
Management Appliance is responsible for accumulating alerts from the endpoint agents, updating theIOCs/heuristics and extracting data from the endpoints

Functional Automated Testing

Resource utilization and security of endpoint agent
Data validation and sanitation testing for detection reports
Extraction and validation of IOC data from VMs
Extraction and validation of IOC data from VMs
Internationalization (i18n) testing
Testing of database integrity at server side
Stability of endpoint detection agent
Automation of functional testing process

Detection Efficacy Testing of Endpoint Agent

Complete setup with endpoint VMs, content management and delivery system.
Endpoint detection system is tested for real-world exploits/malwares using latest CVEs and top malware families
Identify areas for improving malware

Automation of IOC based end point detection framework

Automation of Web UI

Developed automation framework for all
end-to-end efficacy testing activities
Automated testing of Web User Interface for the security products

Automation Framework

Operating Systems Tested

REST service using FLASK
Windows, Mac and Linux

Virtual Environments Used

Technologies Used

VMWare, Vsphere and VCloud
Python, Selenium, Testrails, and Django

Test Automation For Network Security Products

Developed frameworks for test automation of various detection engines within a network security product.
FP/FN Analysis
False positive and false negative analysis of the detection capability and suggest heuristics for improvement in detection capabilities
Drive by Download Detection
We perform efficacy testing of drive by download detection engine and suggest heuristics
Zero Day Attack Detection
Efficacy testing of zero day attack detection engine
Mobile Malware Detection
Efficacy testing of mobile malware detection engine
Performance Testing
Performance testing of network security product
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