Building Cyber Resilience For A Fortune 500 Company Against Ransomware Attack

Building Cyber Resilience For A Fortune 500 Company Against Ransomware Attack

Client Overview

Our client stands in the Fortune 500, holding a significant position in the food industry. They have been serving national accounts, independent and chain grocers, e-commerce retailers, military commissaries, and exchanges. Managing their own grocery stores, pharmacies, and fuel centers, the client specializes in distributing a comprehensive range of grocery and household goods, spanning fresh produce to a unique product portfolio. Operating across all 50 states and various international locations, the client prioritized the need for technological advancement. This required upgrading their tech stack from a legacy SIEM to strengthen their cybersecurity infrastructure and maintain a leading industry position.

Why the Client Chose Us

Our client chose Ebryx for its tailored security services and industry-aligned expertise. Recognizing the need for a resilient cybersecurity infrastructure, our client valued our collaborative approach and opted for the seamless migration expertise offered through our BOT model. The client’s choice reflects not only our ability to address immediate concerns but also our commitment to establishing a future-ready security framework that aligns with their long-term goals.

Project Overview

The security services provided to the client included SOC operations at L1, L2, and L3 levels, Penetration Testing, Digital Forensics, and Threat Hunting. The Ebryx Security Team worked diligently to enhance their cybersecurity posture, protecting sensitive data and assets from various cyber threats. This involved proactively identifying vulnerabilities, implementing appropriate security controls, and ensuring regulatory compliance.

How Ebryx Responded

Ebryx addressed the challenge by implementing a BOT model (Build, Operate, Transfer). This comprehensive approach involved evaluating the security tech stack and providing customized recommendations. Ebryx seamlessly managed the entire migration process, encompassing the deployment of a new tech stack, the creation of dashboards, visualizations, reporting structures, data source integrations, Playbooks, SOPs, and the decommissioning of the legacy SIEM.

Several security incidents within the client’s environment were identified and effectively resolved by the Ebryx SOC Team. Taking a proactive stance, the team conducted Tabletop Exercises to pinpoint vulnerabilities, developed detection strategies, and promptly executed actions in response to any incident. The following example illustrates how our SOC experts detected and mitigated an attack in a timely manner, preventing any potential damage.

Ransomware Attack

Upon receiving an alert about a malicious file execution on one of the client’s endpoints, our team swiftly initiated an investigation. The analysis revealed that the file belonged to the DEV-0538 ransomware group—an emerging, financially motivated cybercriminal entity known for targeting individuals through job application websites.

DEV-0538 employs phishing emails with attachments or hyperlinks leading to landing pages, distributing malware payloads to its targets. Although the attacker was unsuccessful in retrieving the malicious payloads from the landing page, the potential threats of lateral movement, data exfiltration, and extortion were identified.

Our security team acted promptly by removing the malicious file and isolating the infected device. A comprehensive investigation followed, pinpointing the email attachment as the source of the compromise. In response, similar emails were retracted from user inboxes to prevent further spread. Collaborating with the client’s team, Ebryx was able to block identified indicators of compromise (IOCs).

Post-containment and eradication, Ebryx Digital Forensics and Incident Response (DFIR) team delved deeper into the malicious file. Their findings were communicated to the client, and detection rules were implemented to identify potential malicious activities in the future. Additionally, proactive guidance was provided to avoid clicking on links or downloading attachments from unknown sources. This multi-faceted response demonstrated our commitment to mitigating threats and implementing measures to prevent future incidents.

The Results

The client successfully transitioned from legacy technology, guided by Ebryx security experts. This transformation not only secured their digital infrastructure but propelled them into a technologically advanced future.

The Security team played a pivotal role against potential attacks through vigilant continuous monitoring, proactive advanced threat hunting, and rapid incident response. Strategic security solutions were implemented, accompanied by insightful recommendations provided to the client’s team to mitigate the risk of similar scenarios in the future.

The collaborative efforts between Ebryx and the client not only resolved immediate threats but also established a resilient security framework. This comprehensive security overhaul ensured the integrity of the client’s digital assets and positioned them to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity with confidence.

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